path: root/node_modules/postcss-value-parser
diff options
authorDimitri Staessens <[email protected]>2019-10-06 21:37:45 +0200
committerDimitri Staessens <[email protected]>2019-10-06 21:37:45 +0200
commit3c51c3be85bb0d1bdb87ea0d6632f1c256912f27 (patch)
treec7ccc8279b12c4f7bdbbb4270d617e48f51722e4 /node_modules/postcss-value-parser
parent412c104bebc507bea9c94fd53b5bdc4b64cbfe31 (diff)
build: Add some required modules for node
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/postcss-value-parser')
9 files changed, 1065 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/LICENSE b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/LICENSE
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index 0000000..6dcaefc
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+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) Bogdan Chadkin <[email protected]>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/README.md b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/README.md
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index 0000000..3bd6a0d
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+# postcss-value-parser
+[![Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/TrySound/postcss-value-parser.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/TrySound/postcss-value-parser)
+Transforms CSS declaration values and at-rule parameters into a tree of nodes, and provides a simple traversal API.
+## Usage
+var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');
+var cssBackgroundValue = 'url(foo.png) no-repeat 40px 73%';
+var parsedValue = valueParser(cssBackgroundValue);
+// parsedValue exposes an API described below,
+// e.g. parsedValue.walk(..), parsedValue.toString(), etc.
+For example, parsing the value `rgba(233, 45, 66, .5)` will return the following:
+ nodes: [
+ {
+ type: 'function',
+ value: 'rgba',
+ before: '',
+ after: '',
+ nodes: [
+ { type: 'word', value: '233' },
+ { type: 'div', value: ',', before: '', after: ' ' },
+ { type: 'word', value: '45' },
+ { type: 'div', value: ',', before: '', after: ' ' },
+ { type: 'word', value: '66' },
+ { type: 'div', value: ',', before: ' ', after: '' },
+ { type: 'word', value: '.5' }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+If you wanted to convert each `rgba()` value in `sourceCSS` to a hex value, you could do so like this:
+var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');
+var parsed = valueParser(sourceCSS);
+// walk() will visit all the of the nodes in the tree,
+// invoking the callback for each.
+parsed.walk(function (node) {
+ // Since we only want to transform rgba() values,
+ // we can ignore anything else.
+ if (node.type !== 'function' && node.value !== 'rgba') return;
+ // We can make an array of the rgba() arguments to feed to a
+ // convertToHex() function
+ var color = node.nodes.filter(function (node) {
+ return node.type === 'word';
+ }).map(function (node) {
+ return Number(node.value);
+ }); // [233, 45, 66, .5]
+ // Now we will transform the existing rgba() function node
+ // into a word node with the hex value
+ node.type = 'word';
+ node.value = convertToHex(color);
+parsed.toString(); // #E92D42
+## Nodes
+Each node is an object with these common properties:
+- **type**: The type of node (`word`, `string`, `div`, `space`, `comment`, or `function`).
+ Each type is documented below.
+- **value**: Each node has a `value` property; but what exactly `value` means
+ is specific to the node type. Details are documented for each type below.
+- **sourceIndex**: The starting index of the node within the original source
+ string. For example, given the source string `10px 20px`, the `word` node
+ whose value is `20px` will have a `sourceIndex` of `5`.
+### word
+The catch-all node type that includes keywords (e.g. `no-repeat`),
+quantities (e.g. `20px`, `75%`, `1.5`), and hex colors (e.g. `#e6e6e6`).
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The "word" itself.
+### string
+A quoted string value, e.g. `"something"` in `content: "something";`.
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The text content of the string.
+- **quote**: The quotation mark surrounding the string, either `"` or `'`.
+- **unclosed**: `true` if the string was not closed properly. e.g. `"unclosed string `.
+### div
+A divider, for example
+- `,` in `animation-duration: 1s, 2s, 3s`
+- `/` in `border-radius: 10px / 23px`
+- `:` in `(min-width: 700px)`
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The divider character. Either `,`, `/`, or `:` (see examples above).
+- **before**: Whitespace before the divider.
+- **after**: Whitespace after the divider.
+### space
+Whitespace used as a separator, e.g. ` ` occurring twice in `border: 1px solid black;`.
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The whitespace itself.
+### comment
+A CSS comment starts with `/*` and ends with `*/`
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The comment value without `/*` and `*/`
+- **unclosed**: `true` if the comment was not closed properly. e.g. `/* comment without an end `.
+### function
+A CSS function, e.g. `rgb(0,0,0)` or `url(foo.bar)`.
+Function nodes have nodes nested within them: the function arguments.
+Additional properties:
+- **value**: The name of the function, e.g. `rgb` in `rgb(0,0,0)`.
+- **before**: Whitespace after the opening parenthesis and before the first argument,
+ e.g. ` ` in `rgb( 0,0,0)`.
+- **after**: Whitespace before the closing parenthesis and after the last argument,
+ e.g. ` ` in `rgb(0,0,0 )`.
+- **nodes**: More nodes representing the arguments to the function.
+- **unclosed**: `true` if the parentheses was not closed properly. e.g. `( unclosed-function `.
+Media features surrounded by parentheses are considered functions with an
+empty value. For example, `(min-width: 700px)` parses to these nodes:
+ {
+ type: 'function', value: '', before: '', after: '',
+ nodes: [
+ { type: 'word', value: 'min-width' },
+ { type: 'div', value: ':', before: '', after: ' ' },
+ { type: 'word', value: '700px' }
+ ]
+ }
+`url()` functions can be parsed a little bit differently depending on
+whether the first character in the argument is a quotation mark.
+`url( /gfx/img/bg.jpg )` parses to:
+{ type: 'function', sourceIndex: 0, value: 'url', before: ' ', after: ' ', nodes: [
+ { type: 'word', sourceIndex: 5, value: '/gfx/img/bg.jpg' }
+] }
+`url( "/gfx/img/bg.jpg" )`, on the other hand, parses to:
+{ type: 'function', sourceIndex: 0, value: 'url', before: ' ', after: ' ', nodes: [
+ type: 'string', sourceIndex: 5, quote: '"', value: '/gfx/img/bg.jpg' },
+] }
+### unicode-range
+The unicode-range CSS descriptor sets the specific range of characters to be
+used from a font defined by @font-face and made available
+for use on the current page (`unicode-range: U+0025-00FF`).
+Node-specific properties:
+- **value**: The "unicode-range" itself.
+## API
+var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');
+### valueParser.unit(quantity)
+Parses `quantity`, distinguishing the number from the unit. Returns an object like the following:
+// Given 2rem
+ number: '2',
+ unit: 'rem'
+If the `quantity` argument cannot be parsed as a number, returns `false`.
+*This function does not parse complete values*: you cannot pass it `1px solid black` and expect `px` as
+the unit. Instead, you should pass it single quantities only. Parse `1px solid black`, then pass it
+the stringified `1px` node (a `word` node) to parse the number and unit.
+### valueParser.stringify(nodes[, custom])
+Stringifies a node or array of nodes.
+The `custom` function is called for each `node`; return a string to override the default behaviour.
+### valueParser.walk(nodes, callback[, bubble])
+Walks each provided node, recursively walking all descendent nodes within functions.
+Returning `false` in the `callback` will prevent traversal of descendent nodes (within functions).
+You can use this feature to for shallow iteration, walking over only the *immediate* children.
+*Note: This only applies if `bubble` is `false` (which is the default).*
+By default, the tree is walked from the outermost node inwards.
+To reverse the direction, pass `true` for the `bubble` argument.
+The `callback` is invoked with three arguments: `callback(node, index, nodes)`.
+- `node`: The current node.
+- `index`: The index of the current node.
+- `nodes`: The complete nodes array passed to `walk()`.
+Returns the `valueParser` instance.
+### var parsed = valueParser(value)
+Returns the parsed node tree.
+### parsed.nodes
+The array of nodes.
+### parsed.toString()
+Stringifies the node tree.
+### parsed.walk(callback[, bubble])
+Walks each node inside `parsed.nodes`. See the documentation for `valueParser.walk()` above.
+# License
+MIT © [Bogdan Chadkin](mailto:[email protected])
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.d.ts b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.d.ts
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index 0000000..36c052c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+declare namespace postcssValueParser {
+ interface BaseNode {
+ /**
+ * The offset inside the CSS value at which the node starts
+ */
+ sourceIndex: number;
+ /**
+ * The node's characteristic value
+ */
+ value: string;
+ }
+ interface ClosableNode {
+ /**
+ * Whether the parsed CSS value ended before the node was properly closed
+ */
+ unclosed?: true;
+ }
+ interface AdjacentAwareNode {
+ /**
+ * The token at the start of the node
+ */
+ before: string;
+ /**
+ * The token at the end of the node
+ */
+ after: string;
+ }
+ interface CommentNode extends BaseNode, ClosableNode {
+ type: "comment";
+ }
+ interface DivNode extends BaseNode, AdjacentAwareNode {
+ type: "div";
+ }
+ interface FunctionNode extends BaseNode, ClosableNode, AdjacentAwareNode {
+ type: "function";
+ /**
+ * Nodes inside the function
+ */
+ nodes: Node[];
+ }
+ interface SpaceNode extends BaseNode {
+ type: "space";
+ }
+ interface StringNode extends BaseNode, ClosableNode {
+ type: "string";
+ /**
+ * The quote type delimiting the string
+ */
+ quote: '"' | "'";
+ }
+ interface UnicodeRangeNode extends BaseNode {
+ type: "unicode-range";
+ }
+ interface WordNode extends BaseNode {
+ type: "word";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Any node parsed from a CSS value
+ */
+ type Node =
+ | CommentNode
+ | DivNode
+ | FunctionNode
+ | SpaceNode
+ | StringNode
+ | UnicodeRangeNode
+ | WordNode;
+ interface CustomStringifierCallback {
+ /**
+ * @param node The node to stringify
+ * @returns The serialized CSS representation of the node
+ */
+ (nodes: Node): string;
+ }
+ interface WalkCallback {
+ /**
+ * @param node The currently visited node
+ * @param index The index of the node in the series of parsed nodes
+ * @param nodes The series of parsed nodes
+ * @returns Returning `false` will prevent traversal of descendant nodes (only applies if `bubble` was set to `true` in the `walk()` call)
+ */
+ (node: Node, index: number, nodes: Node[]): void | false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A CSS dimension, decomposed into its numeric and unit parts
+ */
+ interface Dimension {
+ number: string;
+ unit: string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A wrapper around a parsed CSS value that allows for inspecting and walking nodes
+ */
+ interface ParsedValue {
+ /**
+ * The series of parsed nodes
+ */
+ nodes: Node[];
+ /**
+ * Walk all parsed nodes, applying a callback
+ *
+ * @param callback A visitor callback that will be executed for each node
+ * @param bubble When set to `true`, walking will be done inside-out instead of outside-in
+ */
+ walk(callback: WalkCallback, bubble?: boolean): this;
+ }
+ interface ValueParser {
+ /**
+ * Decompose a CSS dimension into its numeric and unit part
+ *
+ * @param value The dimension to decompose
+ * @returns An object representing `number` and `unit` part of the dimension or `false` if the decomposing fails
+ */
+ unit(value: string): Dimension | false;
+ /**
+ * Serialize a series of nodes into a CSS value
+ *
+ * @param nodes The nodes to stringify
+ * @param custom A custom stringifier callback
+ * @returns The generated CSS value
+ */
+ stringify(nodes: Node[], custom?: CustomStringifierCallback): string;
+ /**
+ * Walk a series of nodes, applying a callback
+ *
+ * @param nodes The nodes to walk
+ * @param callback A visitor callback that will be executed for each node
+ * @param bubble When set to `true`, walking will be done inside-out instead of outside-in
+ */
+ walk(nodes: Node[], callback: WalkCallback, bubble?: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Parse a CSS value into a series of nodes to operate on
+ *
+ * @param value The value to parse
+ */
+ new (value: string): ParsedValue;
+ /**
+ * Parse a CSS value into a series of nodes to operate on
+ *
+ * @param value The value to parse
+ */
+ (value: string): ParsedValue;
+ }
+declare const postcssValueParser: postcssValueParser.ValueParser;
+export = postcssValueParser;
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.js b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ac0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+var parse = require("./parse");
+var walk = require("./walk");
+var stringify = require("./stringify");
+function ValueParser(value) {
+ if (this instanceof ValueParser) {
+ this.nodes = parse(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ return new ValueParser(value);
+ValueParser.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return Array.isArray(this.nodes) ? stringify(this.nodes) : "";
+ValueParser.prototype.walk = function(cb, bubble) {
+ walk(this.nodes, cb, bubble);
+ return this;
+ValueParser.unit = require("./unit");
+ValueParser.walk = walk;
+ValueParser.stringify = stringify;
+module.exports = ValueParser;
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/parse.js b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..502b5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+var openParentheses = "(".charCodeAt(0);
+var closeParentheses = ")".charCodeAt(0);
+var singleQuote = "'".charCodeAt(0);
+var doubleQuote = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
+var backslash = "\\".charCodeAt(0);
+var slash = "/".charCodeAt(0);
+var comma = ",".charCodeAt(0);
+var colon = ":".charCodeAt(0);
+var star = "*".charCodeAt(0);
+var uLower = "u".charCodeAt(0);
+var uUpper = "U".charCodeAt(0);
+var plus = "+".charCodeAt(0);
+var isUnicodeRange = /^[a-f0-9?-]+$/i;
+module.exports = function(input) {
+ var tokens = [];
+ var value = input;
+ var next,
+ quote,
+ prev,
+ token,
+ escape,
+ escapePos,
+ whitespacePos,
+ parenthesesOpenPos;
+ var pos = 0;
+ var code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ var max = value.length;
+ var stack = [{ nodes: tokens }];
+ var balanced = 0;
+ var parent;
+ var name = "";
+ var before = "";
+ var after = "";
+ while (pos < max) {
+ // Whitespaces
+ if (code <= 32) {
+ next = pos;
+ do {
+ next += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(next);
+ } while (code <= 32);
+ token = value.slice(pos, next);
+ prev = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
+ if (code === closeParentheses && balanced) {
+ after = token;
+ } else if (prev && prev.type === "div") {
+ prev.after = token;
+ } else if (
+ code === comma ||
+ code === colon ||
+ (code === slash &&
+ value.charCodeAt(next + 1) !== star &&
+ (!parent ||
+ (parent && parent.type === "function" && parent.value !== "calc")))
+ ) {
+ before = token;
+ } else {
+ tokens.push({
+ type: "space",
+ sourceIndex: pos,
+ value: token
+ });
+ }
+ pos = next;
+ // Quotes
+ } else if (code === singleQuote || code === doubleQuote) {
+ next = pos;
+ quote = code === singleQuote ? "'" : '"';
+ token = {
+ type: "string",
+ sourceIndex: pos,
+ quote: quote
+ };
+ do {
+ escape = false;
+ next = value.indexOf(quote, next + 1);
+ if (~next) {
+ escapePos = next;
+ while (value.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === backslash) {
+ escapePos -= 1;
+ escape = !escape;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value += quote;
+ next = value.length - 1;
+ token.unclosed = true;
+ }
+ } while (escape);
+ token.value = value.slice(pos + 1, next);
+ tokens.push(token);
+ pos = next + 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ // Comments
+ } else if (code === slash && value.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === star) {
+ token = {
+ type: "comment",
+ sourceIndex: pos
+ };
+ next = value.indexOf("*/", pos);
+ if (next === -1) {
+ token.unclosed = true;
+ next = value.length;
+ }
+ token.value = value.slice(pos + 2, next);
+ tokens.push(token);
+ pos = next + 2;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ // Operation within calc
+ } else if (
+ (code === slash || code === star) &&
+ parent &&
+ parent.type === "function" &&
+ parent.value === "calc"
+ ) {
+ token = value[pos];
+ tokens.push({
+ type: "word",
+ sourceIndex: pos - before.length,
+ value: token
+ });
+ pos += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ // Dividers
+ } else if (code === slash || code === comma || code === colon) {
+ token = value[pos];
+ tokens.push({
+ type: "div",
+ sourceIndex: pos - before.length,
+ value: token,
+ before: before,
+ after: ""
+ });
+ before = "";
+ pos += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ // Open parentheses
+ } else if (openParentheses === code) {
+ // Whitespaces after open parentheses
+ next = pos;
+ do {
+ next += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(next);
+ } while (code <= 32);
+ parenthesesOpenPos = pos;
+ token = {
+ type: "function",
+ sourceIndex: pos - name.length,
+ value: name,
+ before: value.slice(parenthesesOpenPos + 1, next)
+ };
+ pos = next;
+ if (name === "url" && code !== singleQuote && code !== doubleQuote) {
+ next -= 1;
+ do {
+ escape = false;
+ next = value.indexOf(")", next + 1);
+ if (~next) {
+ escapePos = next;
+ while (value.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === backslash) {
+ escapePos -= 1;
+ escape = !escape;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value += ")";
+ next = value.length - 1;
+ token.unclosed = true;
+ }
+ } while (escape);
+ // Whitespaces before closed
+ whitespacePos = next;
+ do {
+ whitespacePos -= 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(whitespacePos);
+ } while (code <= 32);
+ if (parenthesesOpenPos < whitespacePos) {
+ if (pos !== whitespacePos + 1) {
+ token.nodes = [
+ {
+ type: "word",
+ sourceIndex: pos,
+ value: value.slice(pos, whitespacePos + 1)
+ }
+ ];
+ } else {
+ token.nodes = [];
+ }
+ if (token.unclosed && whitespacePos + 1 !== next) {
+ token.after = "";
+ token.nodes.push({
+ type: "space",
+ sourceIndex: whitespacePos + 1,
+ value: value.slice(whitespacePos + 1, next)
+ });
+ } else {
+ token.after = value.slice(whitespacePos + 1, next);
+ }
+ } else {
+ token.after = "";
+ token.nodes = [];
+ }
+ pos = next + 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ tokens.push(token);
+ } else {
+ balanced += 1;
+ token.after = "";
+ tokens.push(token);
+ stack.push(token);
+ tokens = token.nodes = [];
+ parent = token;
+ }
+ name = "";
+ // Close parentheses
+ } else if (closeParentheses === code && balanced) {
+ pos += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ parent.after = after;
+ after = "";
+ balanced -= 1;
+ stack.pop();
+ parent = stack[balanced];
+ tokens = parent.nodes;
+ // Words
+ } else {
+ next = pos;
+ do {
+ if (code === backslash) {
+ next += 1;
+ }
+ next += 1;
+ code = value.charCodeAt(next);
+ } while (
+ next < max &&
+ !(
+ code <= 32 ||
+ code === singleQuote ||
+ code === doubleQuote ||
+ code === comma ||
+ code === colon ||
+ code === slash ||
+ code === openParentheses ||
+ (code === star &&
+ parent &&
+ parent.type === "function" &&
+ parent.value === "calc") ||
+ (code === slash &&
+ parent.type === "function" &&
+ parent.value === "calc") ||
+ (code === closeParentheses && balanced)
+ )
+ );
+ token = value.slice(pos, next);
+ if (openParentheses === code) {
+ name = token;
+ } else if (
+ (uLower === token.charCodeAt(0) || uUpper === token.charCodeAt(0)) &&
+ plus === token.charCodeAt(1) &&
+ isUnicodeRange.test(token.slice(2))
+ ) {
+ tokens.push({
+ type: "unicode-range",
+ sourceIndex: pos,
+ value: token
+ });
+ } else {
+ tokens.push({
+ type: "word",
+ sourceIndex: pos,
+ value: token
+ });
+ }
+ pos = next;
+ }
+ }
+ for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos; pos -= 1) {
+ stack[pos].unclosed = true;
+ }
+ return stack[0].nodes;
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/stringify.js b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/stringify.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2c845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/stringify.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+function stringifyNode(node, custom) {
+ var type = node.type;
+ var value = node.value;
+ var buf;
+ var customResult;
+ if (custom && (customResult = custom(node)) !== undefined) {
+ return customResult;
+ } else if (type === "word" || type === "space") {
+ return value;
+ } else if (type === "string") {
+ buf = node.quote || "";
+ return buf + value + (node.unclosed ? "" : buf);
+ } else if (type === "comment") {
+ return "/*" + value + (node.unclosed ? "" : "*/");
+ } else if (type === "div") {
+ return (node.before || "") + value + (node.after || "");
+ } else if (Array.isArray(node.nodes)) {
+ buf = stringify(node.nodes);
+ if (type !== "function") {
+ return buf;
+ }
+ return (
+ value +
+ "(" +
+ (node.before || "") +
+ buf +
+ (node.after || "") +
+ (node.unclosed ? "" : ")")
+ );
+ }
+ return value;
+function stringify(nodes, custom) {
+ var result, i;
+ if (Array.isArray(nodes)) {
+ result = "";
+ for (i = nodes.length - 1; ~i; i -= 1) {
+ result = stringifyNode(nodes[i], custom) + result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ return stringifyNode(nodes, custom);
+module.exports = stringify;
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/unit.js b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/unit.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c349661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/unit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+var minus = "-".charCodeAt(0);
+var plus = "+".charCodeAt(0);
+var dot = ".".charCodeAt(0);
+var exp = "e".charCodeAt(0);
+var EXP = "E".charCodeAt(0);
+// Check if three code points would start a number
+// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#starts-with-a-number
+function likeNumber(value) {
+ var code = value.charCodeAt(0);
+ var nextCode;
+ if (code === plus || code === minus) {
+ nextCode = value.charCodeAt(1);
+ if (nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var nextNextCode = value.charCodeAt(2);
+ if (nextCode === dot && nextNextCode >= 48 && nextNextCode <= 57) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (code === dot) {
+ nextCode = value.charCodeAt(1);
+ if (nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Consume a number
+// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-number
+module.exports = function(value) {
+ var pos = 0;
+ var length = value.length;
+ var code;
+ var nextCode;
+ var nextNextCode;
+ if (length === 0 || !likeNumber(value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ if (code === plus || code === minus) {
+ pos++;
+ }
+ while (pos < length) {
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ nextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
+ if (code === dot && nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
+ pos += 2;
+ while (pos < length) {
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ nextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
+ nextNextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 2);
+ if (
+ (code === exp || code === EXP) &&
+ ((nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) ||
+ ((nextCode === plus || nextCode === minus) &&
+ nextNextCode >= 48 &&
+ nextNextCode <= 57))
+ ) {
+ pos += nextCode === plus || nextCode === minus ? 3 : 2;
+ while (pos < length) {
+ code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
+ if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ number: value.slice(0, pos),
+ unit: value.slice(pos)
+ };
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/walk.js b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/walk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7666c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/walk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module.exports = function walk(nodes, cb, bubble) {
+ var i, max, node, result;
+ for (i = 0, max = nodes.length; i < max; i += 1) {
+ node = nodes[i];
+ if (!bubble) {
+ result = cb(node, i, nodes);
+ }
+ if (
+ result !== false &&
+ node.type === "function" &&
+ Array.isArray(node.nodes)
+ ) {
+ walk(node.nodes, cb, bubble);
+ }
+ if (bubble) {
+ cb(node, i, nodes);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/package.json b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07fe880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/postcss-value-parser/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ "_from": "postcss-value-parser@^4.0.2",
+ "_id": "[email protected]",
+ "_inBundle": false,
+ "_integrity": "sha512-LmeoohTpp/K4UiyQCwuGWlONxXamGzCMtFxLq4W1nZVGIQLYvMCJx3yAF9qyyuFpflABI9yVdtJAqbihOsCsJQ==",
+ "_location": "/postcss-value-parser",
+ "_phantomChildren": {},
+ "_requested": {
+ "type": "range",
+ "registry": true,
+ "raw": "postcss-value-parser@^4.0.2",
+ "name": "postcss-value-parser",
+ "escapedName": "postcss-value-parser",
+ "rawSpec": "^4.0.2",
+ "saveSpec": null,
+ "fetchSpec": "^4.0.2"
+ },
+ "_requiredBy": [
+ "/autoprefixer"
+ ],
+ "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/postcss-value-parser/-/postcss-value-parser-4.0.2.tgz",
+ "_shasum": "482282c09a42706d1fc9a069b73f44ec08391dc9",
+ "_spec": "postcss-value-parser@^4.0.2",
+ "_where": "/home/dstaesse/git/website/node_modules/autoprefixer",
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Bogdan Chadkin",
+ "email": "[email protected]"
+ },
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/TrySound/postcss-value-parser/issues"
+ },
+ "bundleDependencies": false,
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "description": "Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "eslint": "^5.16.0",
+ "husky": "^2.3.0",
+ "lint-staged": "^8.1.7",
+ "prettier": "^1.17.1",
+ "tap-spec": "^5.0.0",
+ "tape": "^4.10.2"
+ },
+ "eslintConfig": {
+ "env": {
+ "es6": true,
+ "node": true
+ },
+ "extends": "eslint:recommended"
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "lib"
+ ],
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/TrySound/postcss-value-parser",
+ "husky": {
+ "hooks": {
+ "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
+ }
+ },
+ "keywords": [
+ "postcss",
+ "value",
+ "parser"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "lint-staged": {
+ "*.js": [
+ "eslint",
+ "prettier --write",
+ "git add"
+ ]
+ },
+ "main": "lib/index.js",
+ "name": "postcss-value-parser",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git+https://github.com/TrySound/postcss-value-parser.git"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "lint": "yarn lint:js && yarn lint:prettier",
+ "lint:js": "eslint . --cache",
+ "lint:prettier": "prettier '**/*.js' --list-different",
+ "pretest": "yarn lint",
+ "test": "tape test/*.js | tap-spec"
+ },
+ "version": "4.0.2"