include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include) find_library(LIBTOML_LIBRARIES toml QUIET) if (LIBTOML_LIBRARIES) set(DISABLE_CONFIGFILE FALSE CACHE BOOL "Disable configuration file support") if (NOT DISABLE_CONFIGFILE) set(OUROBOROS_CONFIG_DIR /etc/ouroboros/ CACHE STRING "Configuration directory") set(OUROBOROS_CONFIG_FILE irmd.conf CACHE STRING "Name of the IRMd configuration file") set(HAVE_TOML TRUE) message(STATUS "Found TOML C99 library: " ${LIBTOML_LIBRARIES}) message(STATUS "Configuration file support enabled") message(STATUS "Configuration directory: ${OUROBOROS_CONFIG_DIR}") set(INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") configure_file("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/irmd.conf.example" @ONLY) install(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/irmd.conf.example" DESTINATION "${OUROBOROS_CONFIG_DIR}") unset(INSTALL_DIR) mark_as_advanced(LIBTOML_LIBRARIES) find_path(LIBTOML_INCLUDE toml.h) else () message(STATUS "Configuration file support disabled by user") unset(OUROBOROS_CONFIG_FILE CACHE) unset(OUROBOROS_CONFIG_DIR CACHE) set(HAVE_TOML FALSE) endif () else () message(STATUS "Install tomlc99 for config file support") message(STATUS "") set(LIBTOML_LIBRARIES "") unset(DISABLE_CONFIGFILE CACHE) unset(HAVE_TOML) endif () set(IRMD_REQ_ARR_TIMEOUT 1000 CACHE STRING "Timeout for an application to respond to a new flow (ms)") set(BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT 5000 CACHE STRING "Timeout for an IPCP to bootstrap (ms)") set(ENROLL_TIMEOUT 20000 CACHE STRING "Timeout for an IPCP to enroll (ms)") set(REG_TIMEOUT 20000 CACHE STRING "Timeout for registering a name (ms)") set(QUERY_TIMEOUT 20000 CACHE STRING "Timeout to query a name with an IPCP (ms)") set(CONNECT_TIMEOUT 20000 CACHE STRING "Timeout to connect an IPCP to another IPCP (ms)") set(FLOW_ALLOC_TIMEOUT 20000 CACHE STRING "Timeout for a flow allocation response (ms)") set(IRMD_MIN_THREADS 8 CACHE STRING "Minimum number of worker threads in the IRMd") set(IRMD_ADD_THREADS 8 CACHE STRING "Number of extra threads to start when the IRMD faces thread starvation") set(IRMD_PKILL_TIMEOUT 30 CACHE STRING "Number of seconds to wait before sending SIGKILL to subprocesses on exit") set(IRMD_KILL_ALL_PROCESSES TRUE CACHE BOOL "Kill all processes on exit") configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" @ONLY) set(SOURCE_FILES # Add source files here ipcp.c configfile.c main.c reg/flow.c reg/ipcp.c reg/proc.c reg/prog.c reg/name.c reg/reg.c ) add_executable (irmd ${SOURCE_FILES}) target_link_libraries (irmd LINK_PUBLIC ouroboros-common ${LIBTOML_LIBRARIES}) if (HAVE_TOML) target_include_directories(irmd PUBLIC ${LIBTOML_INCLUDE}) endif () include(AddCompileFlags) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug*") add_compile_flags(irmd -DCONFIG_OUROBOROS_DEBUG) endif () install(TARGETS irmd RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR}) # Enable once irmd has tests #add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(reg)