/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 * * Policy for flat addresses in a distributed way * * Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@intec.ugent.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #define OUROBOROS_PREFIX "flat-addr-auth" #include <ouroboros/config.h> #include <ouroboros/logs.h> #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/time_utils.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "shm_pci.h" #include "ribmgr.h" #include "ro.h" #include "path.h" #define POL_RO_ROOT "flat_addr" #define TIMEOUT 100 /* ms */ #define STR_SIZE 100 #define FLAT_ADDR_REQ 0 #define FLAT_ADDR_REPLY 1 struct flat_addr_msg { uint8_t code; uint64_t addr; }; struct { int sid; uint64_t addr; bool addr_in_use; pthread_cond_t cond; pthread_mutex_t lock; } flat; static char * addr_name(void) { char * name; char addr_name[100]; sprintf(addr_name, "%lu", (unsigned long) flat.addr); name = pathname_create(POL_RO_ROOT); if (name == NULL) return NULL; name = pathname_append(name, addr_name); return name; } static void ro_created(const char * name, uint8_t * data, size_t len) { struct flat_addr_msg * msg; assert(name); assert(data); assert(len >= sizeof(*msg)); msg = (struct flat_addr_msg *) data; if (msg->code == FLAT_ADDR_REQ && msg->addr == flat.addr) { msg->code = FLAT_ADDR_REPLY; ro_write(name, data, len); } } static void ro_updated(const char * name, uint8_t * data, size_t len) { struct flat_addr_msg * msg; char * ro_name; assert(name); assert(data); assert(len >= sizeof(*msg)); ro_name = addr_name(); if (ro_name == NULL) { free(data); return; } msg = (struct flat_addr_msg *) data; if (msg->code == FLAT_ADDR_REPLY && strcmp(name, ro_name) == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&flat.lock); flat.addr_in_use = true; pthread_cond_broadcast(&flat.cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&flat.lock); } free(data); free(ro_name); } static struct ro_sub_ops flat_sub_ops = { .ro_created = ro_created, .ro_updated = ro_updated, .ro_deleted = NULL }; int flat_init(void) { struct ro_attr rattr; pthread_condattr_t cattr; char * name; srand(time(NULL)); flat.addr_in_use = false; ro_attr_init(&rattr); pthread_mutex_init(&flat.lock, NULL); pthread_condattr_init(&cattr); #ifndef __APPLE__ pthread_condattr_setclock(&cattr, PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK); #endif pthread_cond_init(&flat.cond, &cattr); flat.sid = ro_subscribe(POL_RO_ROOT, &flat_sub_ops); if (flat.sid < 0) { LOG_ERR("Could not subscribe to RIB."); pthread_cond_destroy(&flat.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&flat.lock); return -1; } name = pathname_create(POL_RO_ROOT); if (name == NULL) { pthread_cond_destroy(&flat.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&flat.lock); ro_unsubscribe(flat.sid); return -1; } if (ro_create(name, &rattr, NULL, 0)) { LOG_ERR("Could not create RO."); pathname_destroy(name); pthread_cond_destroy(&flat.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&flat.lock); ro_unsubscribe(flat.sid); return -1; } pathname_destroy(name); return 0; } int flat_fini(void) { pthread_cond_destroy(&flat.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&flat.lock); ro_unsubscribe(flat.sid); return 0; } uint64_t flat_address(void) { int ret = 0; uint64_t max_addr; struct dt_const * dtc; struct timespec timeout = {(TIMEOUT / 1000), (TIMEOUT % 1000) * MILLION}; struct timespec abstime; struct ro_attr attr; struct flat_addr_msg * msg; uint8_t * buf; char * ro_name; dtc = ribmgr_dt_const(); if (dtc == NULL) return INVALID_ADDR; while (ret != -ETIMEDOUT) { clock_gettime(PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK, &abstime); ts_add(&abstime, &timeout, &abstime); max_addr = (1 << (8 * dtc->addr_size)) - 1; flat.addr = (rand() % (max_addr - 1)) + 1; ro_attr_init(&attr); attr.recv_set = ALL_MEMBERS; attr.expiry.tv_sec = TIMEOUT / 1000; attr.expiry.tv_nsec = (TIMEOUT % 1000) * MILLION; buf = malloc(sizeof(*msg)); if (buf == NULL) return INVALID_ADDR; msg = (struct flat_addr_msg *) buf; msg->code = FLAT_ADDR_REQ; msg->addr = flat.addr; ro_name = addr_name(); if (ro_name == NULL) return INVALID_ADDR; pthread_mutex_lock(&flat.lock); if (ro_create(ro_name, &attr, buf, sizeof(*msg))) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&flat.lock); free(ro_name); return INVALID_ADDR; } free(ro_name); while (flat.addr_in_use == false) { ret = -pthread_cond_timedwait(&flat.cond, &flat.lock, &abstime); if (ret == -ETIMEDOUT) break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&flat.lock); } return flat.addr; }